Last week we took Flash, our one week tech taster program, up to Geraldton. Enjoying a blended learning opportunity, we had 15 women join us from home or CityHive Pollinators to start their journey into tech!
To ensure the Cupcake Effect was maintained with our team and mentors being located in Perth, we sent welcome packs to each participant to get them excited and ready for the week ahead.
With the cupcakes and microbit delivered, we were ready to go on Monday morning!
Thanks to the support of Spacecubed, CityHive Pollinators, JobLink Midwest, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, New Industries WA, and Pawsey Supercomputing Centre and some hard work from the team here at She Codes (if we do say so ourselves!), we were delighted to bring our Flash program up the regions, teaching the fundamentals of HTML/CSS, Python and hacking hardware with MicroPython all via a handy video chat.
We spent two days on HTML/CSS this week and by the end of the Tuesday we had student’s websites deployed on Netlify, which was an amazing end to the two days.
And then, we ended the week on a high working out how to code the Micro:bits.
With our mentors being online we, of course, were joined by some furry friends on screen,as well as in our code.
Some wins from our Cohort for the week:
- The program has reinforced my curiosity for coding/tech and my micro bit worked! Winning!✔✔ Also, the cupcake packs are a cool little surprise 🧁🧁
- Learning CSS and how to use stylesheets – going to make my life so much easier!
- Lots of wins! New skills, new knowledge, new friends – thanks : )
To get started on your journey in tech, apply for our next Flash program here!