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Who Codes? Wen Yeo Codes!

Get to know Wen Yeo, who recently graduated from the She Codes Plus Perth Program. Below she shares her thoughts and experience with the program. 

When asked how her tech journey began, Wen shares that she got her first taste of tech back in 2017 at a secondment but her journey really began about 2 years ago when she got a role as test analyst.

“What appeals to me about tech is the problem-solving side of things. With testing, it was great finding the bugs, but it was frustrating not being part of the team dealing with how to solve the problem. So, I took a break and got a lot more interested in the development side of things in my last job.”

“My partner is a software developer and it’s very important for me to understand what he’s talking about when it’s such a big part of his life. For about a year before She Codes, I was always thinking about ideas, things I wanted to do, different projects. I’d discuss it with my partner and then realise that I didn’t have the technical skills to be able to do any of it. So, She Codes seemed like it could be a great solution to this.” She continued.

When asked how she found out about She Codes, she shared that she heard about it through her partner, who is a software developer at VGW.

“I also heard about it through a friend of mine, who had done the one-day workshop, so when she gave me the details, I was interested and thought that’s really cool. So, I stalked She Codes on social media to learn more about the programs and the timing was right for me, finishing my old job at the time applications opened for the Plus program, so I applied.”

When asked what she enjoyed most about her time in the program, Wen shared that She Codes has impacted her more than she could ever imagine.

“I think the biggest thing is finding a community of like-minded people that I probably would never have met if I wasn’t in She Codes. Who are all so similar, but coming from all different backgrounds, with different experiences.”

“Also, all the opportunities that are coming through She Codes that I wouldn’t have found myself, like networking, workshops, and having more opportunities to be a little bit uncomfortable which is a bit scary but also fun because it means I’m learning something. Also learning to code as well, I loved the problem solving side of things.” She continued.

Wen goes on to share some advice for future She Coders and those who are interested in learning a new skill in tech.

“Just go for it! Even if you have some doubts, I think that even just having that interest in tech in the first place means that you’re suited for this. Just do it, don’t doubt and you won’t have any regrets.” She concluded.

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