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Simply just getting started on learning something. The vibes and support helped with keeping at it when
Being able to make post at the Django blog!!
Learnt HTML for the very first time.
Created a game from scratch on python!
Thank you for setting up a platform where women can try coding with plenty of support available. You’re ingenious!
Meeting all the inspiring mentors
The week was big and full of awesome learning! I did find that I learned more fromthe way Ben taught.
I loved being with such supportive women on my learning journey.
I know more about coding which was the reason I attended.
I learned how to read code so I can edit my website better!
Troubleshooting the last module of the Python workshop, I found the answer myself while asking the mentor :)
Getting to know python and django.
Coding party was very well planned and organized, awesome tutorials, good and experienced mentors. Happy to participate! Cheers :)
Discovering an error in the tutorial code and correcting it on my own :)
Being able to make a game.
Learning new skills!
I learnt how to code and it wasn’t too difficult :)
Get the chance other beautiful people And impressed with efforts of all she team
I managed to find and fix issues with my code that I needed help to fix it in the past!
I managed to build a game from scratch