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Growing demand for women in STEM brings She Codes to Brisbane

This week, in an article on Business News, we heard from She Codes Plus alumni, Roxanne Barnes, Sarah Levins and Ellie Salimi on the barriers that blocked them from starting a career in tech, and how finding She Codes helped them achieve both their personal and professional goals.

Ellie, who travelled a long way to achieve her dream, was able to pursue her passion in technology in a way that was not available in her native Iran. She tells Business News of the cultural barriers that blocked women from participating in the industry, but how she was fortunate to have been amongst the 25 women selected in our inaugural Plus cohort in Perth.

With many women in the same, or similar position as Ellie, unable to take that first step due to outdated stereotypes and fear of failure, it’s more important than ever for us to improve the accessibility in the tech industry for women. And to expand our reach, we’re bringing our six-month Plus Program to Brisbane!

Plus will run part-time, outside of business hours for women in Brisbane, and covers five unique projects focussed on building an enterprise web application using HTML/CSS, Python, Django and React JS. And the best parts? No prior experience is necessary and thanks to our friends at BHP, Spacecubed and New Industries WA – the program is completely free!

In 2019, our Perth Plus cohort saw 50% of the graduating class either secure a new role or expand their capacity in their current role within the first three months post-program, 71.4% of participants believe they have achieved their program goals and 100% believe they will continue using at least one of their newfound skills.

So, to all our East Coast She Coders, join us on our mission to empower 100,000 women by 2025 by joining the waitlist for our next workshop at River City Labs on March 7, celebrating the launch of She Codes Plus in Brisbane, or simply following us on social media to stay involved.